Write a 5 page genetics research paper (not counting cover and reference pages) on Ovarian Cancer cancer.

The main emphasis of your paper must focus ongenetic aspects concerning the cancer. Use the outline (below) and grading rubric to construct and organize your paper:
Introduction engages reader and focuses his or her attention on what is to follow. Clear connection to the prompt. Conclusion examines implications of the paper’s content and gives the reader a substantial closure/summary.
Sufficiently covers all content topics presented in the instructions. Each paragraph has thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea. The main points, and/or claims are supported with relevant and fully developed (reader gains insight) examples, textual sources and scholarly academic sources, AND synthesis of the sources shows original thought.
Writer demonstrates logical and subtle sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs; transitions are used to enhance organization.
Alternative perspectives/positions are identified. AND provides original perspective, drawing on course content and relevant academic research.
Strong, effective academic word choice; variety in sentence structure; active voice is primarily used. Paper contains few format or style errors (less than 2 unique errors per page). Paper is clear and easy to read.
All cited works are done in the correct APA format with no errors. Bibliography is done in the correct format with no errors. Additional academic sources used beyond the requirement
Student insightfully analyzes content against a biblical worldview. Excellent use of scripture to support statementsIntroduction (0.5 – 1 page)
Introduce your cancer topic by providing basic background information.
General statistics of the cancer: Dont go into too much detail. Simply mention a few facts so the reader knows the impact this cancer has on society.The demographics of those with the cancer
Incidence rates of this cancer
Mortality rate or common outcomes for the cancerBody (3 pages)
What are the known genetic abnormalities (mutations/epigenomic change) that are associated with the development of the cancer? Be sure to research any specific types of mutations or expression alterations found in the following:
Tumor suppressor genes (e.g., p53, Retinoblastoma gene or Rb)
Oncogenes (e.g., ras, HER2/neu, myc)
DNA repair genes
Chromosomal alterations
Other genomic targets or syndromes that are involved in the development of the cancer
Discuss any existing or potential genetically related diagnostic and therapeutic options.Be sure to research genetically-based diagnostic tests or other genetic screening methods used to identify the genetic abnormalities that you’ve previously discussed.
Research the following therapies as they relate to the cancer: stem cell therapy, gene therapy, genome editing, immunotherapy.Conclusion (0.5 1 page)
How can genetic research help with the development of treatments or a potential cure for the cancer?
Analyze the content against a biblical worldview.