This assignment explores connections between two episodes of taste, status and consumption conflicts. Episode #1: the so-called red neck neighborVisit the following website: This is a copy of a now defunct website in which a consumer details the activities of his “redneck neighbor.” Read the descriptions of the neighbor and his activities and look at the pictures. What else could explain the discrepancy in understandings of the appropriateness of the behavior (the behavior seems fine to one person yet so offends those nearby)?Episode #2: the mommy fight site Please copy and paste the URL below into your browser to visit a Washington DC parenting website and message board: Spend ten minutes poking around to see what this website is and then read an article about a notorious conversation that took place on the message board there. Its about a battle between two different groups of new parents: Washington, DC residents and Washington, DC-area suburbanites: Then, read some discussions, like this one. Its full of stuff relevant to this class and status oriented consumption: What is going on here (in this particular discussion and in the discussion board in general)? Analyze these two different groups and how they discuss consuming with a focus on issues related to brands, consumption and status. How to proceed: I would suggest reading a few threads beyond the one listed above (preferably those that are currently or recently active) from start to finish. Maybe you then want to read threads devoted to stuff and consuming and brands. To do this, you might try searching for threads that include these topics. Poke around a bit. Maybe you will want to visit the website for the upscale stroller brand referenced in the article from Washington City Paper (watch the short videos, note the prices of the stroller): as well as the other strollers:, Explore the community and the brands implicated therein and try to figure out what is going on. Can anything from Veblen be brought to bear on what is happening in these two episodes? Consider the following two quotes, which we also discussed in class:In order to avoid stultification he must also cultivate his tastes, for it now becomes incumbent on him to discriminate with some nicety between the noble and the ignoble [undistinguished] in consumer goods (p. 190).Since the consumption of these more excellent goods is an evidence of wealth, it becomes honorific; and conversely, the failure to consume in due quantity and quality becomes a mark of inferiority and demerit (p3).Do the sentiments in these quotes apply here? How? What else from what Veblen wrote could be used to explain what is happening in these episodes? Can anything else from class be brought to bear? (Hint: yes) Can anything (readings, lectures and videos) from sessions #3 (social class) and #4 (coolness) and #5 (authenticity) be used to explain or illuminate this? Are there ideas from other weeks that can be applied? (Hint: yes)In twelve-hundred words or less (give or take), explain what is happening in these three episodes. Interpret what you read and what you see, using the readings and class notes listed above to inform your thinking. Use content from the class to explain it and make sense of it. Formulate an argument you wish to make and integrate your thoughts into a cohesive and coherent essay. Make sure you explain the significance and the connection of any of the quotes you use.Word count: at the bottom of the paper, list the number of words in the document (use the word count feature in your word processor).