With considerable advance notice, the director of health information management (HIM) resigned to take a similar position in a hospital in another state. Within the department it was commonly assumed that you, the assistant director, would be appointed director; however, a month after the former directors departure, the department was still running without a director. Day-to-day operations had apparently been left in your hands (apparently, because nothing had been said to you), but the hospitals chief operating officer had begun to make some of the administrative decisions affecting the department.
After another month had passed, you learned through the grapevine that the hospital had interviewed several candidates for the position of director of health information management. Nobody had been hired.
During the next few weeks you tried several times to discuss your uncertain status with the chief operating officer. Each time you tried, you were told simply to keep doing what youre now doing.
Four months after the previous directors departure, you were promoted to director of HIM. The first instruction you received from the chief operating officer was to abolish the position of assistant director.
(Liebler 341-342)Liebler, Joan G. Management Principles for Health Professionals, 7th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 20160315. VitalBook file.Read the Case titled “A MATTER OF MOTIVATION: THE DELAYED PROMOTION” on pg. 341 of your textbook and answer the questions listed below:Describe the most likely motivational state of your HIM staff at the time you assumed the directors position, and explain in detail why this state probably exists.CASE: THE LONG, LOUD SILENCEBackground
As the director of health information management who was recently hired from another organization, it did not take you long to discover that morale in your new department has been at low ebb for quite some time. As you undertook to become acquainted with each of your employees, you quickly became inundated with complaints and other evidences of discontent. Most of the complaints concerned problems with administration, the financial division, and the records-related practices of physicians, but there were also a few complaints by staff about other members of the department and a couple of thinly veiled charges concerning health information services personnel who carry tales to administration.
In listening to the problems, it occurred to you that there were a number of common threads running through them and that a great deal of misunderstanding could be cleared up if the gripes were aired in open fashion with the entire group. You then planned a staff meeting for that purpose and asked all employees to be prepared to air their complaintsexcept those involving other employees by nameat the meeting. Most of the employees seemed to think such a staff meeting was a good idea, and several assured you they would be ready to speak up.
Your first staff meeting, however, turned out to be brief. When offered the opportunity to air their gripes, no one spoke.
This resultsilencewas the same at your next staff meeting 4 weeks later, although in the intervening period you were steadily bombarded with complaints from individuals. This experience left you frustrated because you regarded many of the complaints as problems of the group rather than problems of individuals.
(Liebler 386)Liebler, Joan G. Management Principles for Health Professionals, 7th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 20160315. VitalBook file.Read the Case titled “THE LONG, LOUD SILENCE” on pg. 385 of your textbook and answer the questions listed below:Describe in detail what you believe you can do to get the group off dead center and to open up about what is bothering them.Describe how you might approach the specific problem of one or more of your employees carrying complaints outside of the departmentthat is, carrying tales to administration.Describe several means of organizational communication at your disposal that you believe might be applied in helping to address this departments problems.
Answer all questions in detail and support your statements with references. Follow APA guidelines and cite a minimum of 2 references in-text (only 1 can be the textbook). 2 sources other than the book