Prepare a Strategic Estimate for the Caucasus Region using current, real-world information. The Strategic Estimate shall include the following elements of a Strategic

Estimate as set out in the Guide to Strategic Estimate Development (C207 Reading A) and Appendix B, JP 5-0: o Introduction (Overview of Recent Events; Mission/Problem) o Strategic Direction (US/Multinational Policy Goals; End State) ; o Strategic Environment (AOR/ Region; AOI; Adversary, Friendly and Neutral forces); o Major Strategic and Operational Challenges; o Potential Opportunities; o Assessment of Risks. Scenario Recent events in the USEUCOM AOR, especially Russias actions against Ukraine, have led the USEUCOM Commander to direct the preparation of strategic estimates for the AOR. As a starting point, the USEUCOM Chief of Staff has tasked the J5 to prepare strategic estimates for the regions of the AOR. In addition to the doctrinal elements of a strategic estimate as described in JP 5-0, the regional estimates will also include phase 0 shaping activities such as security cooperation to align and focus efforts and resources to mitigate threats and challenges, prepare for conflict and contingencies, and set the theater. For a review of security cooperation, refer to lesson C204 Part 2 DOD Organization and Processes. Requirement. Acting as a USEUCOM Joint Planning Group, prepare a Strategic Estimate of the Caucasus Region for the country of Ahurastan. Finish the draft Strategic Estimate. You will complete the following slides: the Regional Study on Ahurastan (slides 26 28), develop a third Option (slides 45 47), evaluate the third Option (slide 48), compare the Options (slide 49), And recommend an Option to the Commander (Slide 50). The C207 Strategic Estimate Slides are available to you in another document. Most of the estimate is provided for you. The draft estimate contains the pertinent information, to include the interests and objectives for other countries in the GAAT region. You will finish the draft Strategic Estimate using Microsoft PowerPoint. You are responsible for completing the slides mentioned above. You can add extra slides if you need more slides for your answers; however, focus only on the topics that are required. When you submit your assignment to DDE for grading, submit a slide packet that includes the following: