Through the completion of the three-part Evaluating HR Project, you will analyze how the functions of Human Resources support an organization in the execution of its mission and vision and how to measure human resources effectiveness. To be effective, you will explain how Human Resource decision affect the organization as a whole. You will also explain how the performance of the Human Resources function can be evaluated using metrics. In addition, you will explore the integration and evaluation of collected data to assist Human Resources in becoming a strategic business partner and making a meaningful contribution to management decisions in the organization.
Mock Research:
This is a mock research project and you will NOT be surveying an actual company; instead, all the data you need will be provided to you in Part II of this project.
You will need a company to frame your research and provide a lens through which you will make recommendations.
Due to the data size you will be provided, it is important that the company you discuss is small to medium sized or more specifically, has a minimum of 50 employees and a maximum size of 300.
Ensure the company selected has published mission and vision statements on their website or have personal knowledge or access to include them. Review the company description requirements (below) to ensure the company you want to use fits the criteria and that you are able to answer required components.
The organization has established a strategic objective to become an Employer of Choice within three years. (Addressed in Part I)
As the HR Director, you must determine what HR Services are most important to the employees and what their current level of satisfaction is with the various services. (Addressed in Part II)
You are on a specific budget and will make decisions about where to invest during this fiscal year to increase overall employee satisfaction with HR Services. (Addressed in Part III)
Part I: Supporting Strategic Objectives
(300-400 words) Describe your selected company. In the description, include such factors as but not limited to:
o What type of product or service does it provide?
o Include the mission and vision statements of the organization.
o How many employees are in the organization? (Remember, the company must have at least 50 employees but should not be much larger than 300).
o What type of workforce does it have? Such as mostly hourly, mostly exempt level, some union, etc.
o Discuss the general demographics of the area including any specific competition for hiring employees.
(400-500 words) Describe what it means to be an Employer of Choice. Include such things as:
o Using research to build upon, explain why your selected company desires to become an Employer of Choice. What are the business-related benefits of this?
o Define the common characteristics and values of companies who become an Employer of Choice.
o How would becoming an Employer of Choice assist the company in working toward achieving its mission and vision?
o Describe the role of HR in guiding the company to becoming an Employer of Choice.
(300-400 words) Explain how the performance of HR functions can be evaluated using metrics and data, specifically with regard to understanding the changes needed to become an Employer of Choice. Include such things as:
o Using research, describe how employee surveys create understanding and knowledge regarding the performance of HR functions.
o (See Employee Human Resources Satisfaction Survey below)
Describe the purpose of the survey and what you hope to learn from the survey results.
Explain why those specific services were selected.
State the number of employees to receive the survey for this project, it should be the full population; thus, it would match the number of employees in the company.
Outline the process to be used to disseminate and collect the survey data and how confidentiality will be maintained.