What to do:For this essay, Ill ask that you, in an approximately 2000 word essay, explain how three works of science fiction (a novel, a play, and a film) all contribute to your understanding of how our society will confront and adapt to technology and the future.In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein (1818) we see the mad scientist create life;
In Rossums Universal Robots (R.U.R.)(1920) we observe the creation of a race of robots;
In Ex Machina (2015) we see the scientific discovery of Artificial Intelligence and robotics taken to the extreme. Synthesize what you learn in each one individually to help you find a broader idea about technology and the future, sharing with us how each thought experiment helps us imagine the possible range of effects and side effects of technological advancement. Focus Question:
OR if you feel these text are all riffing on another topic, feel free to explain how theyve contributed to your understanding of Blank (topic created by you), i.e. technological innovation, human relationships, scientific discovery.