Produce a critical discourse analysis of the speech by the Group Chairman of HSBC Douglas Flint available
on Moodle. [about 1300 words]
As a core reference, use McCabe, D. (2016) Numericalizing the other: A critical analysis of a strategy
discourse in a UK bank. Organization 23(4), 525-549. Select further academic journal articles and other
reliable sources for your answer.This assessment part counts for 60 % of the overall weighting
Propose an alternative discourse in the form of a letter from the banks employees to its CEO, re-presentingthe approach to Change from the employees perspective, and drawing the CEOs attention to relevant socialprocesses. You need to comment on some of the topics the CEO raises in his speech. For the purpose of thisexercise, you may assume that the letter is addressed to the Group Chairman of HSBC, Douglas Flint. [about
500 words]