Introduction The essay should commence with an introduction, which explains to the reader the purpose of the essay and the topics to be covered. Outline to the reader in a concise way how you will address the outcomes The essay should be written in the third person, so begin with This essay will Introduce your case study to the reader, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained by including a reference to consent and confidentiality from your professional body. Main body After writing your introduction, you need to critically discuss and analyse the theories and frameworks which are within each learning outcome to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of these. This is where you will be awarded most of your marks and you should use the majority of your word count. Remember that each learning outcome is of equal weighting in the marking of the work. You also need to link your own clinical practice to the theory you have learned, so you will need to make reference to your case study throughout the assignment to demonstrate using the theories in your practice. Consider in your discussion that each of the following learning outcomes must be addressed at level 6: Learning outcome 1 -To meet this LO you need to define clinical judgement and clinical decision making and critically analyse the theories and what are relevant to you. Your case study should incorporate and demonstrate clinical decisions you have made and how the theories relate. Learning outcome 2 – Discuss assessment theories and tools, what uncertainties existed in this case? How do you manage uncertainty? What tools did you utilize to justify your decisions and ensure your patient was safe? For example safety netting, appropriate referral on using SBAR tool Learning outcome 3 – What are the legal, professional and ethical issues that support or hinder your practice? Refer to the law and your code of practice. You may wish to consider whether you were able to manage this case within your own scope of practice or when you might recognize when a case is outside your scope? Issues such as competence and accountability need to be considered. 9 Learning outcome 4 – Define and discuss evidence based practice, what resources did you utilize to support your practice and therefore your decisions and judgement. Did you refer to any specific evidence guidelines when managing this patient? Learning outcome 5 – Define and discuss problem solving models. You could compare and contrast a couple. How did they support your practice? Within the case study demonstrate their application. Conclusion and action plan The conclusion should incorporate some elements of learning outcome 5 as you critically reflect on your case study and the strategies you used and an evaluation of their effectiveness. Your conclusion should be more than just a summary of the essay. It should be a good end to your piece of writing, emphasising or reinforcing your main ideas, but restating them in a new way and avoiding using the same language as in your essa PLEASE NOTE MY CASE STUDY IS BASED ON RESPIRATORY ASSESSMENT BELOW This case study will be reflecting on a respiratory assessment that I conducted following the classroom respiratory session. It reflects on a respiratory assessment that I conducted prior to referring him on to the Doctor for further review. In order to make the patient more at ease, I used the SOLAR ( Egan, 1990) and then proceeded to ask her open ended questions to get a history of her medical problem using the OLCART symptom analysis tool. This acted as a guide to history taking as I was able to aske questions that were relevant to the clinical presentation (Seidal, 2006). The patient stated that she had reported to the medical centre as she had been suffering with a bad sore throat and flu like symptoms for the past two weeks and was concerned it was not getting any better. Other related symptoms were pyrexia and difficulty swallowing foods but managing sips of fluids. She had been taking over the counter analgesia; paracetamol and ibuprofen but felt that these did little to relieve her symptoms. After taking a full history, I went on to conduct a full respiratory assessment. I examined her hands, checked her pulse bilaterally before taking her blood pressure which were within normal range. I then inspected her face. I the proceeded to check mouth. I noticed that her tonsils were inflamed and there was present erythema and pustules on both the right and left side. In then moved on to palpate the cervical lymph glands which felt enlarged and she reported that they were tender. I then percussed before I auscultated the both sides of the chest and found that this was clear with no audible wheeze or crackles. Using the CENTOR criterion scale the pt. scored a 3/4 which was indicative of bacterial infection of the tonsils. I then informed the patient of my findings and why she needed a referral to the Doctor for further assessment as I was aware of the remits of my competence and my code of conduct (NMC, 2015). On reflection of the consultation I felt that it went well however I was apprehensive initially as I wasnt confident enough however I felt reassured once the doctor confirmed this findings. I feel that with I was anxious as I wasnt sure whether I had left out any crucial information but the analysis tool used was effective.
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