1. Communication is one of the keys to being an effective leader. We must develop our
communication skills. Please discuss the things that leaders can do to create a
culture of effective communication?
2. Companies will spend many hours planning. They will plan for new products,
expansion, customer service, employee development etc. Everything must be
planned. However, not all of our plans run smoothly. Many plans do not work,
and in fact, they cause more damage. Companies will install systems of controls
to help catch problems before and as they are happing. With all of this planning
and controlling, how do companies fail? What are some of the signs that a
company lacks the effective controls? Discuss some strategies that might be used
to help a company install better organizational control.
3. As our environments (customers, competition, government, etc.) evolve, we as a
business must also evolve. This means change. Change is often very obvious,
but it is often the most difficult part of business. It is difficult because people (i.e.
our employees) do not like to change. Discuss the reasons that people resist
4. This class (during the semester) has outlined a series of tools, techniques, theories, etc.
on management best practices. Our chapters have outlined the basic methods that
can be utilized by you so that you can become a better manager and build a better
business. Please discuss what can be done as a manager to build a superior