Part A) Introduction (LO1 and LO3) Evaluate the evidence associated with the role of exercise in the prevention and management disease (suggested word count: 1000 words) Definitions of physical activity and exercise, and cardiorespiratory fitness Briefly describe evidence of associations between physical activity/exercise and mortality (all-cause and disease-related) Choose ONE chronic disease from: cardiovascular disease (preferably coronary artery disease) OR breast cancer OR type 2 diabetes OR PCOS OR rheumatoid arthritis OR sarcopenia Evaluation of evidence of the link between physical activity/exercise and disease prevention (For the ONE chronic disease chosen from above) Evaluation of evidence of the link between physical activity/exercise and disease management (Use the same chronic disease as above) Part B) Baseline assessments and exercise Testing (LO2) Interpret and critically evaluate the utility and diagnostic value of health related physical fitness and clinical exercise testing (suggested word count: 1000-1500 words) Briefly provide a summary of the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength for your chosen condition Evaluate the utility and diagnostic value of clinical exercise testing (i.e., why is clinical exercise testing important and what are the benefits of testing cardiorespiratory and muscular strength testing in clinical settings) for your chosen condition For you chosen condition develop an assessment plan for an individual with this chronic disease.Part C. Exercise Tests and Exercise Prescription (LO2 and LO4) Describe and utilize the general principles of exercise prescription and apply evidence-based exercise prescription for patients with specific disease and clinical conditions Apply evidence-based exercise prescription to design an exercise programme for someone with the condition you have chosen Provide a week plan and say how you would apply progression to the programme Justify the exercise programme you have developed Describe how you would use the principles of a particular behavioural change theory to increase adherence to the exercise programme