Compose a three paragraph essay comparing/contrasting the The Blue Hotel with one other story in the Week 1 curriculum.

You should discuss
structural or thematic concepts in this essay, not both. Thus, you might
contrast the structural components of each story to prove that each author
approached his task similarly or differently. Or, you might compare or
contrast the thematic content of each work to evaluate the message(s) being
conveyed by the authors.
Your first paragraph must provide an introduction ending with your thesis
statement. The last sentence in your first paragraph must be your thesis
This paper should be typewritten and double-spaced.
Important Reminders for Composing a Successful Essay:
1 Avoid spelling errors (including contraction, possessive, capitalization, and number–
singular/plural– mistakes); more than 3 = too many.
2 Avoid ending one sentence and beginning the next with the same word or phrase.
3 Do not use the 1st and 2nd person points of view (you, your; I).
4 Do not use the verb to get in any form.
5 Include margins; 1-1.25 on top, sides, and bottom.
6 Include double-spacing.
7 Do not omit words; two incidents of word omissions are too many.
9 Enter short story titles correctly.
10 Include authors name the first time a short story title is mentioned.
11 include correct punctuation when a modifying phrase or clause begins a sentence. (The
modifying phrase or clause must end with a comma.)
12 Eliminate sentence fragment and run on sentence errors.