“Compare and contrast Sir Philip Sidney’s ‘The Defense of Poerty’ (1595) with Edmund Spenscer’s ‘Shepheardes Calendar’ (1579) which is fine and has its place. However, this assignment could impact the odds of you and/or your family surviving a disaster or catastrophe.Include in your plan:

Research & Creation of Emergency Prepardness PlanWith the completion of this task you will have developed a Personal Emergency Preparedness Plan.In other academic classes you may have had assignments such as A description of the types of disasters you think are most likely to happen where you live.
What supplies do you need?
Where/how will you keep them?
How will you communicate with your family?
What about your grandparents or elderly?
What about your pets?
Will you take any other steps to prepare or fortify your home against potential disasters? If so what are they?
Below are some resources to consult as you construct your plan:Emergency Preparedness & You – Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/phpr/areyouprepared/
Do more than Cross Your Fingers – American Red Cross

Make A Plan – Department of Homeland Security