Determine the methodological approach you will use for your Professional Project.
Choose the tools and methods you will use to collect and analyse data in your Professional Project.
Reflect on potential sources of bias in your research and consider how you can best address bias in your methodology.
Reflect on ethical considerations that impact your research, including ethical obligations to your participants, the education research community and the general public. Think about how you will address any potential ethical issues in your research and how this changes your research design.
Create a draft of your methodology and methods section for your Professional Project Proposal.
Decide on any necessary revisions to your methodology and methods.To complete your Project:
Explain the methodological approach you will take to your research and your methods for data collection and analysis, as well as how you will resolve the potential ethical issues in your proposed approach (900 words).
Evaluate approaches you may use to ensure that your research results will be valid and credible (300 words).
Be sure to include references to all sources, including your Readings, in Harvard referencing style.Word count: The suggested word count for this assignment is 1,200 words.
Advice on word count: Submissions that range from 10% below to 10% above the recommended word count are acceptable.